Mooring Application Form

If you wish to apply for a mooring please complete and submit this form and email a copy of your certificate of insurance to the Secretary

Your data is maintained solely for the purposes of upholding the license agreement and for contacting you in the event of an emergency with your boat.  Licensee/member banking data is maintained only by the processing bank.  A Security List is maintained of members who want to be advised of security lapses in their area.

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Name of Licensee
Boat Length - i.e. the total length of the boat and all its hull fittings including the pulpit and the rudder set at 90 degrees to the transom
Are you a Lake Bank member
I confirm that any boat using the Trust’s facilities is insured for third party risks to a minimum value of £2,000,000 and have e-mailed a copy of my certificate of insurance to
To Coniston Boating Centre and Waterpark: In case of an emergency with my boat, I authorise either facility to take necessary action to make it safe until such time as I can be contacted. I am aware that a charge will be made for this service.
I confirm that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.